Branding Starts with Good Graphic Design

Branding Starts with Good Graphic Design

The brand identity of any business is a key part of what defines it but creating a strong brand identity involves input from both graphic and other elements. Without solid and impressive graphic design, any brand’s identity is easily forgettable. Branding any business without quality design is near impossible.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos described branding as “what people say about you when you’re not in the room” and this is a good standpoint to have when looking at the brand being created and how it may be viewed by outsiders. Every good brand should be memorable, exciting and create interest. Each brand is formed by many elements including the website, social media communications, general online presence and any non-web-based activities involved in the business. The most profitable well-known companies and successful businesses have a consistent brand image and this all begins with good graphic design.

Graphic design enhances how businesses communicate with their customers and creates an image that resonates with them directly linked to company. Graphic design is extremely powerful for brands because:

It’s Your First Impression

Most potential customers will visit a website before they talk to representatives of a business directly. The website should be the best example of any brand and it should feature all the relevant branding images and messages, presented in a graphically impressive way. Professionally designed graphics immediately stand out when compared to a half-hearted attempt or non-professional creation. Good graphic design conveys credibility for any brand and helps cement a more professional image.

It makes you Stand Out

Even the subtlest graphic branding leaves a lasting impression on customers and potential customers. In every industry there are choices and if a business has a well-branded professional image and competitors don’t, it’s clear to see who they’ll choose. Great graphic design stands out, makes a business memorable and means this is the business people will return to because it is remembered for the right reasons.

It’s Your Chance to Tell Your Story

Storytelling is one of the biggest trends in marketing right now and it doesn’t have to be limited to written content. The best graphic design will tell the story of a business and create even more interest and intrigue around the brand. Graphic design isn’t just a clever logo and an impressive website design, it is also the ability to transform thoughts and words that matter to a business into graphic form.

Any business without a strong brand identity will struggle to get attention and therefore generate sales and be able to grow. All of the biggest brands anybody can think of has a strong pictorial presence, as well as the words and slogans associated with them.